The results show that, the origin of solute precipitation during the solute redistribution process is the existence of chemical potential gradient; 结果表明:溶质再分配过程中溶质析出的根本原因是存在化学位梯度;
The utility model uses the zinc bloom pressure-sensitive power resistor in the low potential gradient and is very easy to match with the characteristic of the voltage mutual inductor. 本实用新型采用了低电位梯度的氧化锌压敏功率电阻,可以很容易和电压互感器的特性进行匹配;
When the direction of the magnetic field strength gradient and the direction of the chemical potential gradient is identical, the effect of the mass transfer is best. 并指出当外加磁场感应强度梯度的方向和化学势梯度的方向一致时,传质效果最好。
Infiltration mostly depended on matric potential gradient and the effect of upslope runoff could be omitted, when initial water content was very low. 当初始含水量较低时,入渗主要受控于基质势梯度的作用,上方来水对入渗几乎没有影响。
Dependence of cardiac excitation on the direction of electrical potential gradient field 心肌组织兴奋对电场梯度方向的依赖性
Experiment Research on Electric Potential Gradient of Arc Column of a Puffer Interrupter Model by Means of Differential Probes 压气式灭弧室弧柱电位梯度的测量与研究
Corrosion Protection Model of Coating with Electrical Potential Gradient Distribution on Magnesium Alloy 镁合金表面电位梯度镀层防腐模型
Affected by hydraulic potential gradient, the unsaturated soil water in the furrow soil may supply laterally the ridge soil of adjacent furrow. 受水势梯度的影响,犁沟内非饱和水可以侧向补给相邻畦埂的土壤。
( S) According to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, a mathematical model on the relationship between strain gradient and electric potential gradient is presented. 依据非平衡态热力学建立了混凝土中应变梯度和电势梯度、应变梯此汉理卜人学附士学位论文度和电场强度等力电关系的数学模型。
Effect of Cerium Oxide on the Electrical Potential Gradient of the Zinc Oxide Varistors CeO2对氧化锌压敏阀片电位梯度的影响
Xylem water potential and water potential gradient in plant organs were main factors influencing the occurrence and refilling of embolism, but transpiration, stomatal closure and osmotic regulation may also play some roles. 木质部水势和树木不同部位间的水势梯度是影响木质部栓塞发生和恢复的最主要因素,蒸腾作用、气孔关闭及植物的渗透调节等可能也与木质部栓塞的恢复有关。
According to the moisture potential gradient and soil water content in different depth, the author calculate water volume of soil water discharge groundwater by the method of soil water flux. The results show that the method of soil water flux is a simply and available method. 根据实测的土壤水势和土壤含水量资料,利用土壤水分通量法计算了土壤水补给地下水量,结果表明土壤水分通量法是一种简单易行的计算土壤水补给地下水量的方法。
A New Method for Solving the Contradictory of Small Inductance to Large Potential Gradient in High-voltage Non-inductance Resistor 解决高压无感电阻小电感和高电位梯度矛盾的新方法
Multi-phase power transmission is an important way to reduce the potential gradient of the transmission conductor surface and increase the power density transmitted. 多相输电能够明显地降低导线表面的电位梯度,是提高输送功率密度的重要方法。
A corrosion protection model of metal coatings with electrical potential gradient distribution on magnesium alloy is developed according to the chemical and electrochemical nature of magnesium alloy. 根据镁合金的化学和电化学特性,建立了适用于镁合金表面的电位梯度镀层防腐模型。
The equation shows that the potential depends on the chemical potential gradient of the active ions in the occluded pitting and partial potential drop corresponding to the same ions. 此式表明,蚀坑内的电压取决于蚀坑内各类活性腐蚀因子的化学势梯度和相应粒子的电压降。
After measurement and analysis of the interfering voltage, potential gradient, the point current density, the weight-loss increases with average current density, and the depth of penetration increases with the interfering voltage. 测量和分析了干扰电压、电位梯度、点电流密度、失重量及腐蚀坑深后,可以看出失重量随平均电流密度而增加,腐蚀坑深随干扰电压而加剧。
It shows that temperature gradient and soil water potential gradient presented in the soil are the drive factor of salt accumulation in the winter because of the presentation of frozen layer. 研究表明,盐沼湿地冻结期,由于冻层的存在,土体内产生的温度梯度、水势梯度,是冬季水盐积累的驱动力。
The force line and potential gradient equation are deduced. 同时推导出其电力线方程和电位线方程。
The results indicate that at the bottom of reinforcement cage, a sharp decline with an inflexion is on the electric potential curve and an extremum is accordingly on the potential gradient curve. 结果表明在钢筋笼底边缘附近,电位曲线急剧下降,出现明显拐点,梯度曲线相应出现极小值。
The Relationship Between Cardiac Excitation and the Electrical Potential Gradient Directions 心肌细胞兴奋与电场梯度方向的关系
The reason is that it is under the effect of matrix potential gradient in stead of moisture content gradient. 其原因是土壤水运动是在相应的基质势梯度作用下发生的,而并不需要对应的含水量梯度。
Based on this project, this thesis discusses the mechanism of the stray current corrosion and finds out the causes of the corrosion, which is called potential gradient. Firstly, study kinds of numerical calculation methods such as FEM and BEM. 针对这一具体工程问题,本论文从理论上对杂散电流的腐蚀机理进行了深入的研究,查明了杂散电流腐蚀的根本原因是电位梯度。
A program was written which performed a function calculation of winding transient process, and it was used to calculate the initial potential distribution and the potential gradient of the power transformers winding when the neutrals were grounded and isolated, then we obtained the weak link of insulation. 编写了计算绕组波过程的程序,并应用此程序计算出了电力变压器绕组在中性点接地和中性点绝缘时的初始电位分布和电位梯度,进而得知绕组中绝缘的薄弱环节。
Plant cell plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase consumes ATP energy establishment of transmembrane proton electrochemical potential gradient, promoting a variety of ions and small molecule metabolites to transmembrane transport. 植物细胞质膜和液泡膜上的H+-ATPase消耗ATP能量建立跨膜质子电化学势梯度,推动各种离子和小分子代谢产物进行跨膜运输。
Water moves down a water potential gradient, hydration is essential to cellmetabolism. 水分沿着水势梯度移动,细胞的湿润是新陈代谢所必须的。
In this development mode, well into the production Wells with the shortest distance between a wire potential gradient is the largest, injection water along the straight line will happen dash, flooding into the middle finger for process is serious, water flooding affected coefficient is low. 在这种开发模式下,注入井与生产井之间的最短距离连线上势梯度最大,注入水会沿这条直线发生突进,驱替过程中指进现象严重,水驱波及系数较低。
This article describes the process of transformer winding wave case, write the Matlab-based wave power transformer winding course of the calculation process, an example calculation and verify potential gradient distribution transformer windings, the insulation margin calculation to find the weak point of insulation. 本文介绍了变压器绕组波过程的研究情况,基于Matlab编写了电力变压器绕组波过程计算程序,通过实例计算验证变压器绕组电位及其梯度分布,计算绝缘裕度找出绝缘薄弱点。